Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bzzrt! NaNo Plot

Or perhaps not a NaNo plot. Anyway, since I've been thinking about NaNo, I'll just call it one.

I'm thinking that perhaps each chapter will have something to do with words, and their fictional meanings. Like that one blog, which I've completely forgotten how to get to. But I'll make them up myself, anyhow.

The character is a word enthusiast. With square-framed, thick-rimmed glasses. And carries a large book to write in. (S?)he likes to make words up to suit her purposes, and also make up different meanings to words that mean the wrong thing.

Her purpose (I'm pretty sure this is a girl) is to get a word she invented entered into a dictionary. A real one. The Oxford, I guess.

She wears long floral skirts, and wears her hair out. It's sort of wavy and always a mess. And brown.

And if I use a word a day app of some sort, that's inspiration the whole month of November.

For example, what's the word for 'word enthusiast'? I'd make one up, but I don't know what the Latin for 'word' is. Linguaphiles. I think that's the closest.

I suppose she's a romantic, but doesn't think she'll ever have that fairytale romance and the guy who sweeps her off her feet. She's right, but he's lovely in his own way.

It turned into a rom-com, lol.

1 comment:

EelKat said...

Hey! glad to see other NaNoers!

I'm creating a blogroll for NaNoBloggers (NaNoers who talk about NaNo on their blogs).

I've choosen your blog to be included in this. You can find the blogroll at:

Good Luck with NaNoWriMo!
