Friday, October 12, 2007

I can't believe it's not November!

It's barely October. We're not even halfway through yet. But I'm just waiting for November. October is a crap month.

I'm not even in the noveling mood, that's how crap October is. I haven't really written anything since the story I started after Screnzy and I finished that. It took longer than it should have and was sort of NaNo practice in that I wrote basically nothing else besides it. And I finished it. But I don't think it's quite 50 000 words, and it took more than a month.

However, my plots don't really stand up for more than 50 000 words. After all, last year I had to insert extra scenes to hit the deadline. Not that I minded. Those are almost more fun to write since I'm more of a short story kind of person. Too impatient, I guess.

Now playing: S Club 7 - Everybody Wants Ya
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

Anna Scott Graham said...

I too am waiting for next month with baited breath...

enjoy the rest of the month; less than three weeks to go!