Thursday, October 4, 2007

I've been trying not to think about NaNo too much

That sounds like a ridiculous idea in itself. Especially since this is my NaNo blog. But I have lots of other things to do. Things that need to be done before November. And then during November there's more things to do. So I shouldn't be thinking any more about NaNo than absolutely necessary. And particularly only during the month of November.

But it's October and although I haven't got a concrete plot, I find myself thinking. I mean, I looked at my Screnzy blog, and looked at the pictures and thought: I want to make pretty pictures for my NaNo. And I think it would be interesting to start with the pictures and then move onto creating characters and watching them live their lives, rather than the plot-based way I usually do things. But I'm thinking too much. And I'm on the NaNo forums too much (even though I haven't posted that often... forums will always be my downfall).

And I should be sleeping now, but no, I'm on my blog, blogging. Nattering on to an audience of not many for no reason other than I like to talk. And I like to write. Blogging was made for authors because let's face it, we're narcissistic. What character is not in some way an incarnation of ourselves?

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